Fish Life History
Understanding fish life history (e.g. growth, maturity, fecundity) is essential for effective fisheries management. Changes in life history over space and time can be driven by fishing or environmental effects and can have substantial impacts on population productivity and fisheries sustainability. Our lab uses statistical models to track how fish life history traits vary over space and time and to understand if those changes were driven by the environment or fisheries.
Related publications:
Predator-Prey Dynamics
Interactions between predator and prey species have substantial implications on population growth for both predators and prey. Therefore, understanding the nature of these interactions at broad spatial and temporal scales can describe why predator and prey populations fluctuate over time.

Related publications:

Stock Assessment
Stock assessment models are statistical representations of how fish populations change through time. These models are used to assess the impacts of fishing on fish population growth. Our lab develops and applies stock assessment models that focus on single populations, as well as the interactions between populations and the environment. These models are directly applied to provide the scientific advice that underpins fisheries management.
Related publications:

Ecosystem Based Advice
Representing the interactions between fish populations, ecosystems, and people can yield more socio-economically sustainable fisheries. Our lab contributes to the development of ecosystem based fisheries advice by developing models that consider these interactions and by considering how these interactions may affect the metrics used to assess sustainable levels of harvest.

Related publications:

Small-Scale and Recreational Fisheries
Small-scale and recreational fisheries represent a socio-ecologically significant component of global fisheries but are often overlooked in comparison to commercial fisheries. Our lab uses statistical models to specifically understand the impacts of these fisheries over large scales. We have recently been conducting research as part of the CreelCat research team to better understand inland recreational fisheries dynamics.